US Immigration Service

Situated in North America, United States is the most desired destination for everyone who wishes to migrate for the betterment of life. Over the years, the country keeps attracting people for settlement as the history of the country is of immigration and diversity.

More than 50 million people across the globe have settled in the country as the country accepts 700,000 people every year. US is known for its metropolitan and multi-cultural status because of the high population of immigrants living in the country.

The United States has a large land mass as well as variety of climates, variety of people and mixed economy. The country is having a strong economy to fight with all odds of economic slowdown. US is also known for its enthusiastic, workaholic as well as fun loving people.

Our Immigration Solution to the United States includes:

Green Card Visa >>
An EB5 Green Card entitles investors, entrepreneurs and businessmen, along with their families to stay and work anywhere in the US permanently

Business Visa >>
USA is the most favorite destination for everyone who wishes to migrate for a better quality of life.

Student Visa >>
The overseas education division has assisted hundreds of students to opt for higher studies.

Family Visa >>
A temporary non-immigrant visa, allowing the US citizens to sponsor their family to join them in the US on temporary basis.

Skilled Worker Visa >>
It allows you to legally live and work permanently in the United States.

Travel Visa >>
Travel Visa is available to visitors seeking short-term entry into the United States.


Canada Immigration Service

With only 35 million people, Canada's population is modest compared to its more densely populated southern neighbor.

There are over 200 distinct cultures in Canada. The nation is often defined as a "cultural mosaic" with a greater mix of people from diverse backgrounds than almost anywhere else on Earth. Canada encourages its people to hold closely to their traditions and culture. Around two-fifths of the country's population comes from an origin other than British or French.

The Canadian government, through the Multiculturalism Act, aims to preserve and enhance multiculturalism through official policy. Among other aims, Canada strives to "promote the understanding and creativity that arise from the interaction between individuals and communities of different origins."

Our Immigration Solutions to Canada are as follows:

Skilled Worker Visa>>
Have the right skills, education and work experience. Make Canada your permanent home with a Skilled Worker Visa.

Business Visa >>
Expand your business horizons and build a global repute with Canada’s business programs.

Family Visa >>
Reunite with your family residing in Canada with a Canadian Family Class Visa.

Student Visa >>
Planning academics overseas? Canada's world-class education awaits you.

Travel Visa >>
Get a travel Visa to visit Canada, a majestic destination to travel and explore.

Acquire the coveted citizenship of Canada and be entitled to all the Canadian rights.

Temporary Work Visa >>
Visit the Canadian nation on temporary work purposes with a Temporary Work Visa.